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Most common types of general antibiotics medicines

As the name suggests, general antibiotics medicines are a class of drugs used to treat infections caused by certain bacteria (bacteria and certain parasites). Viral infections, such as the common cold or flu, are not treated by these drugs.

Since many bacterial infections heal on their own, antibiotics are typically prescribed only for more serious infections. Antibiotic resistance can only be reduced by using antibiotics correctly. Over time, bacteria become resistant to antibiotics, reducing their effectiveness.

Antibiotic resistance is a major global threat, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

general antibiotics medicines
Most common types of general antibiotics medicines

What are antibiotics?

Allergies can be treated with antibiotics. general antibiotics medicines are also known as antibacterials or antimicrobials, depending on the context. It is possible to take antibiotics by mouth in the form of liquids, capsules, or tablets, or they can be injected. A severe infection usually necessitates an injection of an antibiotic. To treat certain skin infections, antibiotics can also be applied to the skin as creams, ointments, or lotions.

The fact that antibiotics only work against infections caused by bacteria and certain parasites must be kept in mind at all times. It is a type of microorganism that needs to live on or within another living being (host). Viral infections (such as the common cold or flu) or fungal infections of the mouth or vagina (such as thrush in the mouth or vagina) are not treatable with antibiotics.

There are many different types of bacteria that can cause infections, which are discussed in Microbes, Germs and Antibiotics.

Uncommonly, secondary bacterial infections develop from viral or minor bacterial infections. An antibiotic would be required in this situation.

general antibiotics wholesaler are available under a variety of brand names. Based on their mechanism of action, antibiotics are usually grouped into categories. It is important to note that each type of antibiotic has a specific target bacteria or parasite. Since different antibiotics treat different types of infection, it makes sense that different antibiotics are used. Antibiotics include the following:



The first penicillin spawned a whole class of antibiotics known as penicillins after its discovery. As the name suggests, penicillin is derived from the fungus Penicillium, which is a specific mould. It is a class of general antibiotics medicines that is widely used and often prescribed by doctors for a wide range of infections. This includes infections of the skin, respiratory system, ear, STDs (sexually transmitted diseases), and the mouth. Staph and strep are both highly effective against them. Penicillins are known to cause rashes and other allergic reactions. Diarrhea, nausea, and abdominal pain are also common side effects. For example,

· Ampicillin

· Penicillin G

· Penicillin V


Penicillins and cephalosporins are closely related. Beta lactams are a larger class of compounds. Cephalosporins, like penicillins, were originally derived from a fungus called Cephalosporium. Cephalosporins come in five generations. Each generation covers a different bacterial species. There are a variety of infections that can be treated with this class. Due to their close relationship to penicillins, some people who are allergic to penicillins may also react to cephalosporins, as well. Diarrhea, nausea, heartburn, and abdominal pain are also common side effects. To name a few, there are:

· Cefuroxime

· Cephalexin


As a class of antibiotics, macrolides are completely distinct from beta-lactam general antibiotics medicines. However, they are effective in treating a number of the same diseases. As well as ear, skin and sexually transmitted infections. People with beta lactam allergies can benefit greatly from them. Antibiotics such as beta-lactams are also useful when bacteria become resistant to them. Drug interactions are common with macrolides. Whenever you take a macrolide, be sure to let your doctor and pharmacist know about all of your other medications. Side effects include nausea, vomiting, abdominal discomfort, and diarrhoea. Macrolides include the following examples:

· Clarithromycin

· Erythromycin

Fluoroquinolones (broad-spectrum antibiotics)

Many bacteria are susceptible to fluoroquinolones (also known as quinolones). As a result, they can be used to treat infections when other antibiotics have been ineffective. People who are allergic to other antibiotics can use them as an alternative. Many conditions can be treated by them, from eye infections to pneumonia to skin infections, sinus infections, joint infections, and urinary or gynecologic infections, among others. These drugs can cause problems for people with certain heart conditions and with some other medications. If you have a medical history, make sure your doctor and pharmacist are aware of it. Common side effects include nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, headaches, and drowsiness, among others. Fluoroquinolones can be found in:

· Ciprofloxacin


'Sulfa drugs', which are derived from the chemical sulfanilamide, have existed for about as long as penicillin. sulfonamides don't kill bacteria in the same way as other general antibiotics medicines. You're immune system takes care of the rest. Infections of the vaginal or ocular tracts can be treated effectively with them. As well as UTIs, they can treat travellers' diarrhoea. Nevertheless, this class is prone to a lot of opposition. diarrhoea, nausea, rash and sun hypersensitivity are some of the most common side effects. A lot of people in the group have allergies. For example, consider the following:

· Sulfacetamide

· Sulfadiazine

· Sulfamethoxazole-Trimethoprim


Streptomyces bacteria produces these antibiotics. Unbelievable as it may seem, bacteria can produce general antibiotics medicines that kill other bacteria. Like sulfonamides, tetracyclines have bacteriostatic properties. They treat a wide range of infections, including respiratory, skin, and genital infections, among others. Aside from Lyme disease and malaria, they also treat cholera and plague. Their non-infectious uses include rosacea treatment. Included in these are symptoms such as bloating and stomach cramps, sun sensitivity, and yeast infections. The following are some examples of tetracycline:

· Doxycycline

· Minocycline

· Tetracycline

Other Types of Antibiotics


If none of these antibiotics work, doctors have several other options. A few of these can only be found in a hospital setting. Others don't fit into any of the main categories, but they're still very useful.. In this category are clindamycin, metronidazole, and nitrofurantoin (Furadantin, Macrodantin). Each antibiotic, regardless of whether it belongs to a specific class, has different dosing requirements. It's best to take some of them on an empty stomach and others with a meal. The best way to take an antibiotic is to ask your doctor or pharmacist. All general antibiotics medicines supplier in Ahmedabad should be taken as prescribed by your doctor. Antibiotic resistance can be prevented by ensuring that patients receive adequate treatment.


Almost no one is unable to take an antibiotic. An allergy to antibiotics is the most common reason why you may not be able to take one. You can still take antibiotics if you've had an allergic reaction to one of them. Certain antibiotics should not be taken while pregnant, but your doctor will be able to advise you on which one is appropriate if one is needed. Certain general antibiotics medicines may need to be avoided if you are on medication, or your regular medication may need to be stopped while you take the antacid.

DCT pharmaceutical provide high-quality products for general antibiotics medicines in Ahmedabad. We provide the antibiotic medicines and tablets for a pharma franchise business. Best general antibiotics medicines PCD Franchise Company in Ahmedabad, Gujarat.


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